23 Januar 2012

A Place To Swap: Netcycler

Sometimes, while browsing the net, you come across a website and you'll ask yourself: "How come that I didn't hear about it before?" Netcycler is such a site. 
It's a swap and donating service for used things. Basically you put something that you'll not longer need on the site, so someone can find it. Than you can exchange it in person or via mail with something that has been offered to you before or you just give it to the person for free.
To make this process easier Netcycler will find someone for you. You just have to list your own proposals and wishes. To increase the possibilty for a succesful exchange Netcycler will form exchange rings with three or more persons, to make sure that in the end every one is giving and receiving something. You can also use the dispatch service from Netcycler to ship your stuff.
Sounds like a good alternative to the consumption orientated lifestyle. I think it is both ecological, sustainable and money saving. 
As chance would have it on the 11th of February the first live Netcycler "Tauschmob" will take place in Wuppertal from 2 pm to 5 pm on the Kirchplatz.
You can find more information about the event on their blog and if you want to start exchanging visit the website.
Wuppertal Tauschmob Poster image

(picture taken from blog.netcycler.de)

3 Kommentare:

  1. Hi Celia, thanks for mentioning Netcycler and also the event in Wuppertal! I'm one of the organisers of the Tauschmob, and also already excited about it :-).

    Oliver (Faktor N / http://www.faktorn.de/)

  2. Hm, erst letzte Woche kam im TV eine kurze Erwähnung der Website, bei ner neuen Show auf ZDF.neo, die aber etwas merkwürdiger war. Zufälle gibts!

  3. You are welcome! Maybe I'll be there, if I can find the time.
    What kind of show was it, Sariputzi?
