10 August 2011

A Green Idea: The Avocado Store

About a year ago was searching for green clothes via internet extremly exhausting. That's why the founders of Avocado Store, Philipp Gloeckler and Stephan Uhrenbacher, had the idea to built a platform for all german producers of green products. Besides it should be easy for the costumers to find green products and compare their prizes.

As you can see the idea was a fast-selling item and now they can present you over 100 seller and about 2.000 products on their website. 

I think the site is a great idea not just for the customers. It's good, that especially small seller make a profit from being able to present their products in a professional environment, because they don't have the means to create their own website yet. 

There is also a blog, where you can read about specials, discounts, the labels from the avocado store and a lot more.

2 Kommentare:

  1. Wie bist du auf die Seite gestoßen? Ich werd sie mir mal ansehen....sind die Sachen teuer und massenware?

  2. Ich hab mich über ein anderes Label informiert und bin dann darauf gestoßen.
    Naja, etwas teuer sind die Sachen schon. So billige Klamotten wie die Sachen bei H&M gibt es nicht, wenn es ökologisch sein soll. Aber Massenware ist das nicht.
