After a quite long abstinence I thought I should share another outfit with you. Unfortunately our Internet connection isn't really working, so don't expect too many updates soon.
Yesterday was a day, which seemed to be one of the last days of the late summer. It was quite hot, so I went to the jumble sale at the cassiopeia. For me it feels like the Mauerpark jumble sale before it became famous and big. A good place to find some cheap clothes, to hear nice music, to rumble around stuff from private sellers and eat delicious food like bruschetta or gözleme. Because all the alternative people moved to Friedrichshain the atmosphere is totally different and for me more relaxed.
I bought the dress some weeks ago together with my cousin in the secondhand store colours and I thought I wouldn't get the opportunity to wear it before next summer, but luckily the weather turned good.
Love this dress!! Beautiful! JS xx
Thanks a lot! :*