20 Dezember 2012

Remember when I told you about Macklemore? He is big now and being interviewed all the time.
This video is showing him shopping at a thrift shop. We should all definitely do this more often!

10 Dezember 2012

Music Monday: The Correspondents - What's Happened To Soho?

If you ever wanted to listen to a song, which will stuck in your head, you should listen to that song: What's Happened To Soho? from The Correspondents. 
It is my earworm since last Tuesday. :)

05 Dezember 2012


 Overknees are just my thing. Besides they keep your leg and knees warm in winter.

02 Dezember 2012

Friends' Closets

 Sometimes rummaging around in friends' closet is the best shopping. This outfit was a sponsored by T. (dress) and Ch. (cardigan) and really spontaniously created. But somehow it fitted all together.