If you want to know which pattern will definitley be worn a lot during autumn and winter you should check out this post from Susi Bubble from Style Bubble.
(picture taken from stylebubble.co.uk)
we do...
... conceptual projects, rejecting the processes of mass production.
... ecofashion, that goes far beyond.
... clothes that tell a story.
we believe , that fashion can be produced fair, social and local. We don't want to join the fast, inhuman and wasteful fashion industry.
--- that's why we don't work on collections, but projects.
--- that's why we use fabrics that are rather made in Germany or from organic fibres. we always try to get "dead-stock", end-of-roll or swatches and we upcyclefabrics to save landfills from more textile waste.
--- that's why we work together with social services like sheltered workshops, where handycapped people get the chance to work, feel save and be needed.
... inspired by the cradle-to-cradle principle, we try to keep everything in its cycle.