What happens with our clothes, after we got rid of them?
With increasing consum also the clothpiles are growing. Germans are leading in textile consumption: They buy 28 kilo a head and year. Just under half of the clothes are given to charity after their use. The rest of it will end up as garbage on a disposal site or in an incinator.
Fortunatley there are some fashion labels, who discovered the value of used clothes. One of them is the Berlin based label aluc. They are cutting up jumper and t-shirts and putting them together to new clothes. Each piece is a unicum and part of the "Mein Hansi" project.
But that's not enough. In the textile industry huge piles of garbage from new cloth are originated while producing apparel. Those fabrics are new and aluc is using them for their shirts. They drove to the Erz mountains and to Austria and saved good-as-new fabrics from ending up as garbage.
Besides the shirts have a special twist: The collar is attached with buttons and you can remove it easily or change it to another one.
They say about themselves:
we do...
... conceptual projects, rejecting the processes of mass production.
... ecofashion, that goes far beyond.
... clothes that tell a story.
we believe , that fashion can be produced fair, social and local. We don't want to join the fast, inhuman and wasteful fashion industry.
--- that's why we don't work on collections, but projects.
--- that's why we use fabrics that are rather made in Germany or from organic fibres. we always try to get "dead-stock", end-of-roll or swatches and we upcyclefabrics to save landfills from more textile waste.
--- that's why we work together with social services like sheltered workshops, where handycapped people get the chance to work, feel save and be needed.
... inspired by the cradle-to-cradle principle, we try to keep everything in its cycle.
our resources are limited, but our creativity knows no limits.
(pictures from aluc.eu and meinhansi.com)
very interesting gif picture, unattached collar is so hits nowadays