09 August 2011


Getting a tattoo is still on my mind.
I just need to figure it out with a girlfriend of mine.
There are always the thoughts about how it will look on the skin later, when you are getting old, and what will happen, if you start to dislike it.
Because it's a permanent thing, a lot of thoughts in advance are inquired.
And at last, it hurts. Why should you put yourself in a place of pain?

I like the idea of a tatto being a piece of memory. 
It's like taking or drawing a picture just that it will be on my body. 
It could represent a phase I went through or a part of my personality I want to underline.
That's why I wouldn't want one, which is just beautiful.

The one on the picture contains just a word, but it makes me smile.
You can think about it so much.
"Shalom" is hebrew and means "peace", but in Israel it's used on an every day base to say "hello".
So the question is: Does she want peace or is she just saying hello to you?
Besides it's not written in hebrew but in the english phonetics.
So, can she speak hebrew, but is not able to write it? Is she jewish? 
I love that a tattoo can avoke so many questions and thoughts in the people, who see it.
Do you have any suggestions?

(picture via thetattologist.com)

1 Kommentar:

  1. Sooooooo, das Beste zum Schluss:
    Ich bin immer noch am Überlegen wegen des Abenteuerlust Tattoos. Einfach so würde ich es wohl nicht machen, auch wenn die Idee richtig cool ist. Aber die Tatsache, dass wir es gleichzeitug machen würden und auch in gleicher Schrift und so gibt mir den Ruck es vielleicht doch zu tun. Außerdem ist es günstiger als die Schleifen und würde meine Sehnsucht nach einem Neuen Tattoo vorerst stillen :P
    Also kurzum: wenn ich die perfekte Stelle gefunden habe steht dem Stehen nichts mehr im Weg. Es sei denn du machst n Rückzieher.....
