Unfortunately I only found this picture, but hopefully you can guess what I mean.
26 Februar 2009
Sara's Trousers - Where To Find?
Unfortunately I only found this picture, but hopefully you can guess what I mean.
Basic Clothes: Pencilskirt, white, high-waisted
Today arrived my new pencilskirt, which I bought via Ebay.
It is from American Apparel, high-waisted and white.
The only disadvantage is the not whipped hem, which I will whip after I washed it.
Here is one example how I would were it:
25 Februar 2009
24 Februar 2009
Tee For Tuesday
As I am in love with photography, this tee is perfect for me. =D
You can buy it here.
21 Februar 2009
Outfit From The Day Before Yesterday
Want To Have Some New Stylish and Unique Earrings?
20 Februar 2009
Fashion For Your Home
Believe it or not, but h&m is now having their own home decoration line. I couldn't believe it first. Besiedes I still dooubt, if I need pillows etc. from h&m.
Nevertheless there are some nice pieces available, but the design reminds me of IKEA. Maybe it looks similar, because both company are from sweden.
But create your own opinion with this pictures:
18 Februar 2009
Adidas Shoper = Trend!?
Remember as I wondered about the adidas shopper some time ago?
I found out, that you don't get them for free as a shopping bag in normal adidas stores. So I bought the pink one in a Hip Hop store behind the Europacenter for 3€.
Today I received an e-mail, which says that you get one bag for free, if you order something from adidas. I think it's a funny coincidence and would be a great idea, if it wasn't an online shop, which presents them to their costumers.But one thing is clear. These bags get more and more attention and I think it will end as a trend item like wearing allstars or vans. The german youth is predictable sometimes. =D
17 Februar 2009
Exhibition: "Couture Remixed"
"Kulturforum Potsdamer Platz, Kunstgewerbemuseum
8 November 2008 - 1 March 2009
COUTURE REMIXED – Fashion Pieces by Stephan Hann
Under the title of ‘Couture Remixed', the Museum of Decorative Arts is proud to present some 50 lavishly perplexing creations from the fashion designer Stephan Hann, who currently lives in Paris and Berlin. His works present familiar materials in unusual contexts and thereby render their latent qualities and possibilities visible.
Created with the highest degree of aesthetic and technical skill, the works explore such concepts as ‘valueless' and ‘valuable' and form a statement about them.
This particular show sees the continuation of the series of exhibitions on contemporary design and fashion by the Museum of Decorative Arts.
Presented by:
Museum of Decorative Arts"
I think I am going to visit this exhiibition soon. Let's see how the dresses are!
(source: Staatliche Museen zu Berlin)
Todays Outfit And Random Pics From My Week
This was the outfit I wore today. I couldn't stop making strange things with my face, so in the end I just cutted it out.
This is at the Bernauer Straße, where my alltime-favourite jumble sale is located. I love these little things, which sprayer do all over Berlin.
These two pictures have been taken in a vietnamese Restaurant, where the food was surprisingly delicious. I never tought that, because I am always afraid of trying new and foreign food.
I just wanted to show the nice interior. Unfortunately I forgot the name and the street.