05 Oktober 2011

My New Room

Just trying the webcam quality of my mac, which is kind of bad. But it's a very easy and lazy way to take pictures.
As you may see, I moved to another city in consequence of starting to study. I am missing a lot of things in my new room, such as a mattress (try to find a futon here), a ceiling light or a cable to connect my iPod with speakers (music is important! :)). But all in all it's a nice room. 
Today I did a lot of cleaning and unpacking boxes(first outfit) and I hope I am ready soon. 
Later that day I met the first students of my term and we discovered the city together. (Second outfit) This was quite nice and even those, who have been living there for quite some time discovered new places.
I will try to figure out, what this change will mean to the blog. The next two weeks I will have a little bit more time to post and I will try to keep you updated about my personal life a little bit more, but of course will mix it with fashion. But when the term is really starting I'll probably need some time to figure everything out. 


EDIT: By the way, I sewed the pants from my first outfit and the jumper and the tights from my second outfit are from hess natur. It's such a good quality!

1 Kommentar:

  1. Immernoch schade, dass du jetzt weg bist. Aber der Raum macht einen schönen ersten Eindruck auch wegen des vielen Tageslichts. Kann irgendwie garnicht begreifen, wie weit weg du jetzt bist. :(
    Aber dein Outfit sieht wirklich super aus du kleine Mode-Diva!!1 <3
