17 Mai 2011

A Comic A Day Keeps The Boredom Away

 The youth in the village in Israel inspired me to wear more "oriental" looking clothes. Maybe that's why I love this dress so much.

 When the sun is coming around to light my room, you can play a bit with the shadows.

On Saturday was the "Free Comic Day" in Germany. We (my brother, my boyfriend and I) went to small comic shops, book stores and places, where you could get some comics for free. Since then I've been reading them and there are a lot of interesting narrative and artistic techniques to find, next to engrossings stories. If you haven't been a Comic person by now, take some time to browse around a comic shop in your near, it's worth it!

1 Kommentar:

  1. Das hab ich auch gelesen....und rate...JA, das wollte ich auch hin. Aber ich wär gerne mit jemandem hingegangen...kannst du mich nicht öfter mal fragen, wenn so coole Aktionen anstehen? ;)
