The show begins, the music is good, but the fashion not. I don't like the colours, the jackets and the boots. But suddenly the colours are changing and I would not mind to have one of those (dark-)blue coats. Then you see brown coats, which feels good, because they you can't the buttons. A very nice detail, which gives the cut of the coats more space. Dark blue (or is it black?) is appears again and also the famous Burberry Trench makes its entrance. That's good wearable fashion and the music accentuates fine. Just what is the thing with the shoes? The models are so thin, that their legs can't fill those shoes and walking also seems to be very hard. Green comes and it looks good, although I don't like military green. By the way the shoes are looking better. Now dark blue arises again, the changing of the colour is amazing. I like the male look and the women pieces have a good cut. Now here comes my favourite part of the collection (about which as it seems to me no one wrote on the internet): something between dark purple and red. Such beautiful dresses and colours, it's really wonderful! Just those shoes look like hard to walk in. The grey and white outfits are fabulous, it feels like winter can come. Also the combination of white and blue is one of my favourites.
All in all I have to say I like this collection, but I don't know why he had to use this green and brown. In my opinion an autumn collection doesn't have to consist of just fall colours, that's why I love the red/purple/pink so much.
Ich habe irgendwie generell eine Abneigung gegen Glitzersteinchen.
AntwortenLöschenIch verstecke mein Gesicht ja nicht. Aber meistens dauert es ziemlich lange, bis ich mal ein Outfitbild hinbekomme, wo sowohl die Pose, als auch der Gesichtsausdruck stimmt. & da es nunmal mehr um die Pose bzw. das Outfit geht, kommen oftmals Bilder ohne Gesicht/Kopf dabei raus.
Ich hab den Balken total simpel & unprofessionel mit einem Bildbearbeitungsprogramm erstellt, ihn als Bild gespeichert, bei hochgeladen & füge ihn jedes Mal in den Posttitel ein, haha!