21 Dezember 2008

Iceflow, nowhere to go...

Wish there would be an iceflow or just something that points to a white christmas. But I don't think it will snow these days. How sad is this?

So to my lack of entertainment because of my lasting illness I flipped through my old pictures. I found some nice one, which I am going to show you now.

It was a schoolball at the and of a model united nations conference and we had to dress sophisticated. I wore a shirt from h&m as a dress, white leggings and ballerinas, because I can't dance in heels. Most of the girls wore nothing too chic except my friend on the right. She was the only girl in an evening gown and she felt overdressed the whole evening. But we had some fun, while dancing to bad music.^^

20 Dezember 2008

Christmas Means Illness =(

Today it's the first day of my christmasholidays and I am ill!!! Can't believe it! And after lying in my bed since friday morning I decided to get up and do something. I put on an illness outfit, which is very comfortable and began to wonder about the trousers. I got them from my mother, who bought them on sale without trying them on (she always does this, I can't understand it!!!). At home she recognized the "strange" crop and gave it to me. The other day I found them in my wardrobe and tried them on. I just have one question: "Are these trousers too big for me?" I hope you can answer my question. I can't make a decision.
Here is my "being ill"-outfit. Sorry for the black painting, but my room is in a mess, so I just painted it over. =D And I had to take the picture through my broken mirror, because nobody is at home right now.

16 Dezember 2008

In Memory Of A Russian model

Did you know that a russian model called Ruslana Korshunova should have commit suicide by jumping from an apartmant tower in New York on the 28th of June this year? I did not and was kind of shocked as I read it in the "ZEIT MAGAZIN". Her best girlfriend, her ex-boyfriend and her manager don't believe that it was a suicide. I don't know if it was one, but I do know that she was only 20 years old as she died and very beautiful. I'll post a picture of her on the cover of the magazine to show her beauty. I'm very sorry for her.

One swallow does not make a summer.

This is the chain I made at a "Perlerei", which I mentioned recently. I decided to keep it for myself and since then I wore it twice. Just forgot to take pictures, I apologize for that!
It's lovely, isn't it? I really do love swallows!

War is like a broken mirror Sharp enough to draw blood A piece out of place, impossible to put back.

The headline is from a poem called "The Broken Mirror". Mine mirror is broken now!!!

The other day I opened my wardrobe door to look for new outfits and it broke my mirror. It just pressed on of the flowers into the mirror. It was a little shock for me, because even if I'm not superstitious I thought about having bad luck for the next seven years. uargh!!!
But today I think about buying a "new" vintage one, maybe from a jumblesale. That would be nice!

I know it's not a good picture, but the light is so woozy I didn't get a better picture. Hope you're getting an idea of the disaster.

...and one of my favourite models: Jessica Stam

14 Dezember 2008

Weekend is over...

The weekend is going to end and my exhausting days as a student will start again. pfh... But whatever.^^

Not long ago, I went with my boyf and my brother to a secondhandshop called "Garage". It's one undergroundstation away from Kurfürstendamm in the Ahornstraße 2, 10787 Berlin. The "Garage" is probably Berlin's biggest second-hand shop, with an enormous selection of jeans, evening dresses, shoes, shirts, blouses, skirts and hats, etc. The unique thing about this shop is that the clothes are priced according to weight (13€/kg). But they also have an fixed price section. I was very excited about going there, because I wanted to do it for a while, but hadn't the time to do it.
In my opinion the store is very cool equipped and porated. The atmosphere is nice and there are really a LOT of clothes. I found two things: a skirt and a top in white with lace at the seam. The top is really beautiful, but I'm not so sure about the skirt anymore.
While I was browsing through the women section, the boyf and my brother were looking after the ugliest clothes to play dress up with them. They ended up trying on fur coats for women. It was really funny!
All in all you can say that there are many clothes at low prices, but mainly for people with special and extraordinary taste, who are (as my boyf would call them) a bit crazy in a nice way and (for me) dressing very individually.
Unfortunately I forget to take a picture of the whole store but you may get an idea by looking at this picture: (looks like he's gonna live in moscow =D)

08 Dezember 2008

Nightboutique am Samstag, 13.12.

Für alle Vintageliebhaber gibt es diesen Samstag wieder ein Event, das ihr nicht missen solltet: Nightboutique im Scala ab 23h mit Musik vom "Do not read beauty magazines they only make you feel ugly" DJ Team. Ich selber war noch nie dort, werde aber versuchen hinzugehen.
Was sie über sich selbst auf ihrer myspaceseite sagen:


Da ja sogar Nikolaus schon vorbei ist, scheinen Weihnachten und Schnee vor der Tür zu stehen. Das sieht man auch an den schönen Schaufensterdekorationen, die auf dem Ku'damm im KaDeWe zu bewundern sind. Das schönste Winterwunderland wie im Märchen...


Heute war ich in einer Perlerei in Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg, genauer gesagt in der Lenbachstr.7 (10245 Berlin). Als ich anfangs von der Idee hörte, war ich erst nicht so angetan, aber als ich dann im Laden ankam, waren meine Zweifel verflogen. Es gibt dort hunderte von Perlen und bestimmt genauso viele Sorten, aus denen man Ohrringe, Ketten, Armbänder, Haarreifen und vieles mehr herstellen kann. Die billigsten Perlen gibt es schon ab 5 Cent und das Grundgerüst zum Beispiel für Ohrringe (Stift, Hänger, etc.) ab 70 Cent, es ist also für jeden bezahlbar. Der Laden ist absolut toll eingerichtet: Man kommt rein und wird freundlich von der Inhaberin begrüßt, kann sich etwas kaufen oder sich inspirieren lassen und dann im Nebenraum am Tisch auch eigene Sachen herstellen.

Bei uns saß die Inhaberin mit dabei, hat uns alles erklärt und uns beraten. Sie selbst hat früher in einer anderen Perlerei gearbeitet und kam irgendwann auf die Idee ihre eigene zu eröffnen.
Ich hab mir ein paar Ohrringe, eine Kette für meine Mutter und noch eine Schwalbenkette angefertigt, bei der ich aber noch nicht sicher bin, ob ich sie behalte oder ob ich sie verschenke.

Man kann natürlich auch schöne Schmuckstücke im Internet kaufen, die dann von der Inhaberin hergestellt wurden.

Also, wenn ihr Lust habt auch mal dorthin zu gehen, dann macht das einfach. Im Dezember hat die Perlerei auch am Montag auf, also zeigt keine Scheu, es lohnt sich!!!


05 Dezember 2008


Auf der Suche nach irgendeiner Zeitschrift zum Lesen für eine langweilige Freistunde im Supermarkt an meiner Schule, bin ich auf die "Gala Style" gestoßen.
Die Zeitschrift ist zwar nicht zu empfehlen, aber ich habe ein echt schönes Disco inspiriertes Kleid gefunden. Ich mag auch total, dass sie es mit dieser blauen Strumpfhose trägt. Nur die Leopardenstrickjacke mag ich garnicht:

While searching for a magazine to read during a really boring free period I found one at the supermarket near my school. It was "Gala Style". I wouldn't recommend it to anybody, but i discovered a really lovley disco inspirated dress. I also love how it is styled except the leopard printed cardigan:

Da morgen Nikolaus ist, werd ich jetzt meine schwarzen Stiefel putzen gehen, um morgen leckere Süßigkeiten drin zu finden. =D Ich wünsch euch allen einen schönen Nikolaus!!!



04 Dezember 2008


Auf der sehr frühzeitigen Suche nach einem Abiballkleid, stieß ich auf eine Designerin, deren Klamotten ich schon im Mai auf der Kreativmesse im Lido gesehen habe.
Ihre Mode ist sehr Berlinerisch (wenn es einen Berlinerstyle gibt) und ich werde bald mal ihren Laden in Friedrichshain aufsuchen und dieses wunderschöne Kleid besichtigen:
Zwar bin ich noch unsicher, ob beige wirklich die richtige Farbe für mich ist, da ich blond und hellhäutig bin, aber der Schnitt ist echt traumhaft!

Auf ihrer Homepage steht über ihr Label GranatenGarten folgendes:

"The Berlin fashionlabel granatengarten was established in 2006 by Nadine Laura Holzhauer. The company is situated in the centre of Berlin Kreuzberg 36, around Schlesisches Tor. The brand is now sold in a few shops in Berlin, Cologne, Bonn and one in Reykjavík. granatengarten wants to create a world which is unpretentious, energetic and personal which makes people around feel relaxed and comfortable. granatengarten`s concept is to create casual fashion. The materials are smooth and confortable, which create the characteristic relaxed look that granatengarten prefers. The focus is on fresh colours, soft materials, unusual cuts, cool details and above all a good fit. With the timeless look and the possibility for customers to vary each design, granatengarten clothes and accessories become more sustainable. The style is simple, raw and clear cut, but always feminine. Dress –able-shirts, Overalls, baggy pants, big collars, jersey cardigans and huge scarves are all consistent elements in the granatengarten collections. "I wish to reflect a personal touch, when you buy granatengarten and wish to make clothes and accessories, that fits in every wardrobe."

N.L. Holzhauer"

Es sind bislang zwei Kollektionen vorhanden: "aujourd'hui" und "hiers".
Mir gefällt "aujourd'hui" persönlich besser, da sie mir reifer und "erwachsener" erscheint und sie mein gewünschtes Kleid enthält..
"Hiers" ist mehr Streetstyle, also nicht mein Style, aber ich mag den langen Pulli sehr gerne. Ich bin schon länger auf der Suche nach so einem "Kleid"-Pulli, vielleicht kauf ich mir den rot-blauen demnächst.



Aufmerksam geworden auf das Kleid bin ich übrigens über ihre Myspaceseite: http://www.myspace.com/granatengarten



Fotos: GranatenGarten