30 Mai 2012

Unexpected Heat

 There are certain things in life, which will happen to you and afterwards you will think, why didn't this take place before. 
One of those things is, in my opinion, that you live your house, apartement, etc... expecting it to be a cold day. But the further you walk away with no intention to come back before night you discover that it is freaking hot. So to save me of melting away I decided to get a new outfit. This is what came out of my sudden shopping tour and changing afterwards in a rest room.

27 Mai 2012

Yellow And Grey

 As was in Berlin the last time I didn't come around paying the RAW-Flohmarkt a visit, where I bought this long sleeve. (Which sadly has to fight with its lessor about being able to realize the fleamarket at the moment. You can read about it on their homepage.)I went there with a fellow student, my sister and her boyfriend and we had a nice time.
What I love most about this top is (beside its colours)that it looks like two tops. I am dreaming about sewing a short sleeved dress similar to this top. This and some other sewing projects are possible plans for my spare time in summer.

24 Mai 2012

The Simple Sings

 After a day of studying, I am off to Berlin now. :)

23 Mai 2012

Staying Inside

 Yesterday was one of the hottest days so for and all I felt like in the afternoon (after spending one seminar outside) was staying inside and cleaning (the pictures were taken before that). I just came back the day before yesterday and wanted to sort my things, hang up this (kind of selfmade) pinnwand (slat-why do pinnwands come only in square forms? In my opinion this doesn't make any sense!) and clean the bathrooms (one has living community duties to fulfil :)). 
If I wouldn't be going to Berlin again on Thursday, I probably hadn't enjoyed this afternoon so much. Just being at home and doing stuff I have been long neglecting. This is a great feeling!
Now excuse me, there is an open-air bath, which is waiting for me to take a swim.

22 Mai 2012

The Meadow We Were Dreaming Of

 The last long weekend has been used to visit my boyfriend at his current apprenticeship place. There is this beautiful meadow opposite the building he is living in, where we spent one evening. He was studying and I was taking pictures.

15 Mai 2012

Photographer: RJ Shaughnessy

As long as I am still young, pictures of young person fascinate me. Those pictures were taken by RJ Shaughnessy a young photographer from L.A, who went to Arts Center College of Design in Pasadena, California and graduated in 2004 with a bachelor in fine arts. 
 They all capture a certain kind of easy- and lightness. I've read that he is capturing only his own friends, maybe that's why he gets such good shots. In an interview he stated: "I try to be as invisible as possible. I don’t really talk to my subjects too much. I have a new shtick: I try to bring someone with me who is more socially skilled than I am to chat them up. I don’t like breaking the wall of people looking into the camera. On Fader assignments I try to bring other people with me to take their attention away from me. I am attracted to images that are observation, opposed to an awkward photograph with the subject looking in the camera."
He also tries to explain how situations he is capturing, which are just kind of normal, become interesting to other people:  
"Part of me wants to say editing. The realities of situations are boring, but there has to be something broken within the frame. There are always images that stand out, to me, as far as having realness to them. Those are the images I am attracted by. I don’t take too many photos of one thing. Maybe, three frames."
Actually I was amazed about his advertising work, too. Those pictures for Nike are showing a certain kind of asthethic and expression I don't see a lot in adverts. It's so beautiful!
If you have some time you may want to browse his site. 
It's worth a visit!


Nike promotion


Maybe you recognize his work for Adidas?

(all pictures were taken from http://www.rjshaughnessy.com
quotes were taken from http://www.formatmag.com/features/rj-shaughnessy/)

14 Mai 2012


 Sometimes I wish I would upload more quality pictures. But unfortunately I don't have the time to shoot some and I don't have someone to shoot me. So you will have to bear those pictures. :)
 Jumpsuits or playsuits (or however you like to call them) are my current favourite. You put on one piece and you have an instant great outfit. I own four different ones now, but I dream of sewing one myself. It's hard for me to find one, which fits perfectly.

08 Mai 2012

"Es ist Zeit, daß es Zeit wird."

 When did time begin to slip away through my hands like falling water?

The other day I listened to someone reciting the poem "Corona" from Paul Celan, which I'd like to share with you, even though it is in German.

von Paul Celan (1920-1970)

Aus der Hand frißt der Herbst mir sein Blatt: wir sind Freunde.
Wir schälen die Zeit aus den Nüssen und lehren sie gehen:
die Zeit kehrt zurück in die Schale.

Im Spiegel ist Sonntag,
im Traum wird geschlafen,
der Mund redet wahr.

Mein Aug steigt hinab zum Geschlecht der Geliebten:
wir sehen uns an,
wir sagen uns Dunkles,
wir lieben einander wie Mohn und Gedächtnis,
wir schlafen wie Wein in den Muscheln,
wie das Meer im Blutstrahl des Mondes.

Wir stehen umschlungen im Fenster, sie sehen uns zu von der Straße:
es ist Zeit, daß man weiß!
Es ist Zeit, daß der Stein sich zu blühen bequemt,
daß der Unrast ein Herz schlägt.
Es ist Zeit, daß es Zeit wird.

Es ist Zeit.

(aus: Mohn und Gedächtnis, 1952)

01 Mai 2012

Miami Dress

 Some variations of the outfit I wore the other day to a university party. I was told those are legendary, but the music was not my cup of tea.
 The dress is from Bershka and it fits very well.