27 Mai 2009

Wedding Dress | Brunnenstraßenfest

Wedding Dress #4


To the approaching Fashion Week WEDDING DRESS #4 will take place at 4th and 5th july 2009 in the "Brunnenstraße" between Bernauer and Voltasstreet. There will be a huge designer sale, an outdoor fashionbazar, fashion shows, partys with current DJs and live concerts, exhibitions and much more.

Round about 180 national and international designer and labels as for example: Marcel Ostertag, Kilian Kerner, Miriam Schaaf, Comtesse de la Haye, Seelenkleid and many other will present you the newest fashion trends. And the best part is: WEDDING DRESS #4 is not only to order, but to ramble, to inspire, to lounge and to shop.

(translated text and picture from weddingdress4.de)

Wonderful Tees For Wednesday

I always love a good version of a printed white tee and these two are wonderful ones.
The green one is not to be scoffed at, because of the rich green and nice print. It is a great tee for bycicle lover.
Is there anybody, who would endow me the first one?

(source: rumplo.com)

26 Mai 2009

The Garden Of My Dreams

My Boyfriend's garden is the garden of my dreams!
You can get there by just crossing the terrace on the backside of the house. Having breakfast there feels like sitting in front of a lawn sea.
In the garden, there is a fire place, a swing, a little niche, where you can enjoy coffee and cakes, a hammock, many flowers and tree, which looks very inviting to climb.
I really would love to do a fashion shoot there some time.

"I always love an unexpected touch of humor."

Quote and picture from The Sartorialist.

25 Mai 2009

Today's Outfit

(dress-WMP, cardigan-h&m, earrings-vero moda, necklace-selfmade, ballerinas-ebay)

All pictures taken by my boyfriend.

"Google" For Labels

Did you know that? You are in a city (foreign or known) and searching for a particular label or shop, but you don't find it.
Two men knew that situation and created this website: www.thelabelfinder.com, where you can search labels shops in certain cities in German, English or Spain. About 7000 labels and 10000 shops are represented - most of them in berlin, hamburg and munich, but also for tokio, barcelona and new york.
So if you are searching anything have a look at the site. It's worth a visit.

(picture: screenshot of thelabelfinder.com)

Face Hunter vs The Sartorialist

Face Hunter

The Sartorialist

Today I want to compare two streetstyle-fashionblogs: Face Hunter versus The Sartorialist.
The Face Hunter shoots every where around the world very often in London and stems from France as his accent sounds like.
The Sartorialist shoots also in every possible place around the world very often in New York, Milan, Paris and Australia.
Those two blogs are my favourite streetstyle blogs and I think they are very inspiring. But I think there are some main differences between them.
The first difference is in my opinion the quality of the pictures. I think, the Sartorialist takes better pictures than the Face Hunter, probably because he is a photographer in full time now. But I like the pictures from both.
The second and as far as I can see greatest difference is the people's style they are shooting.
The Sartorialist mainly takes pictures of people with a similar style as his one. I don't think it's a bad idea, because it is a great style as you can the on the pictures below: It's classical elegance.
Besides he works as a fashion editor, a photographer, dad or himself searching for inspire, so it's standing to reason to take those pictures. By the way, I like them.
So, what is my problem with them?
It's not that I have a real problem, I just think sometimes it's a bit boring to see mainly (he also takes pictures of other people) elegant and as it seems perfect dressed people. In my humble opinion those clothes doesn't show much personality.
And that's the point where the Face Hunter comes into play: He shoots photographies of people, who dress to express their personality. That's why I like the photos so much.
Nevertheless I like to say, that I really love both blogs and wouldn't prefer one to the other. But for the above-mentioned reason I will always follow both blogs.
Furthermore they are both breaking their taking pictures habit from time to time and you can't nail them down on what I wrote.
Maybe those two aren't comparable at least, but this was on my mind and I liked to share it with you!

(source: facehunter.blogspot.com, sartorialist.com)

24 Mai 2009

Favourite Photographer: David LaChapelle

Today I discovered this part of a David LaChapelle documentary. He is a photographer, who takes picture in a surrealistic and popart like style. I totally adore his photos and use of colours.
He also takes fashion pictures, so I searched for the pictures I saw in an exhibition some years ago and these are the ones he took for vogue:


(source: /fashionbox.17.forumer.com/viewtopic.php?t=509, 11.media.tumblr.com/jCcfUD4Nmku65dynj0JQX8cjo1_500.jpg, youtube.com)

23 Mai 2009

You Need To Accessorize!

hurr2-1-1.jpg picture by stylebook18

This photo of Karla from Karla's Closet really reminds me of the importance to accessorize my outfits more. You can make the best of your clothes, when you refresh a simple dress with a new chain like Karla did. She gave her u-neck dress a complet new look, as she styled it with those two beautiful chains.
The only problem is: Where can I get accessories, which I like and will wear very often?

(source: karlascloset.blogspot.com)

22 Mai 2009

S2009RTW Boy By Band Of Outsiders

These days I am in dying need of basics and so this collection is one of my favourite ones right now. I love how simple basic clothes are reinterpreted and are brought to life by Kirsten Dunst. If you want to see more projects check out the blog boy.
By the way, many people say my sister looks like her. Maybe I like her so much because of that fact.boy-by-band-of-outsiders-fsq

(source: boy.bandofoutsiders.com, www.aperfectguide.se/fashionsquad)

19 Mai 2009

DIY: Modified "I Love NY" T-Shirt

Today I modified my "I love NY"-tee like that: I cutted the sleeves and the neckline to transform it into a tanktop, which is plunging under the arms.
I was inspired by Hanneli Mustaparta from www.hanneli.lola.no, who wore it like that on mtv:

My tee, purchased on a jumblesale for about 1 or 2 €, was too wide and too short, so I wanted to change it anyway. As I found the picture, I thought it is a great reinterpretation of the very often seen "I love NY"-tee and tried it.

(source: hanneli.lola.no)

Today's Outfit: Little Miss

shirt-atmosphere, skirt-h&m, shoes-from prague, hairbow-h&m, belt-eBay

14 Mai 2009

Reference: Le Blog De Betty


Today I discovered a blog, which I loved immediatley.
It's Le Blog de Betty.
I fell in love with her style. I think it's the right mix between high-, low- and vintage fashion and colours. Besides I would kill for her clothes, especially for the silver leggins. I adore silver pieces right now.
So please take a look at it!


(source: leblogdebetty.com)